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Evidence For Creation In 4074 BC.

For evolution to be remotely possible, many millions of years are needed. If it can be shown that the earth is young (about 6000 years old), and not millions of years old (as required by evolution), then evolution would not have enough time to happen. Consider these examples pointing to a young earth: 



Galaxy star clusters (spirals with billions of stars) move so rapidly that they would not stay together if the universe were very old. 

Large Stars. Some stars are so large that they radiate energy 10,000 to 1 million times more rapidly than our sun. They coul
d not have contained enough hydrogen to radiate this fast for millions of years, because their initial mass would have been too big. These O and B class stars, and P Cygni stars could not continue atomic
 fusion longer than  50,000 to 300,000 years. 

Abundant Hydrogen in stars. Hydrogen in stars is continually being converted into 
Helium. Hydrogen cannot be made from other elements. Fred Hoyle states that, if the universe were as old as Big Bang theorists think, then there would be little hydrogen left, as it would be converted to Helium by now. Spectra from stars reveal abundant hydrogen in stars.This implies a young universe. 




Solar shrinking. Since 1836, over 100 different observers at the Greenwich 
Observatory and US Naval Observatory have measured the sun’s diameter to shrink at 0.1% per century or 5 feet per hour. At this rate, 50,000 years ago the sun would have been so large as to boil earth’s oceans, making life on earth impossible. 100,000 years ago our sun would have been twice as large. 


Rare Solar Neutrinos. In 1968 it was discovered that our sun emits hardly any 
neutrinos. This lack of solar neutrinos irrefutably points to a recently created sun. (A neutrino is an uncharged particle of no or very little mass, travelling at the speed of light, and is produced in the sun when protons and electrons react to form neutrons.)

Comets elliptically orbit the sun and are thought to be as old as the sun. As comets orbit the sun, they lose some of their water and gases from the sun’s heat, gravity and tail formation. The tail consists of material driven away from its head by solar energy. Some comets regularly seen in the 19th Century have broken 
up and vanished, or plunged into the sun. All comets should self-destruct in a short ime, less than 10,000 years. There should be no comets left. Evolution cannot explain comets in an old solar system. Comets are young objects created in a young solar system. 

Solar Wind. As the sun’s radiation flows outward, it applies an outward force on very small particles orbiting the sun. All particles smaller than 100,000th of a centimetre should have long ago been ‘blown out’ of our solar system if it were billions of years old. Yet satellite studies show that these small articles are abundant and still orbiting the sun. This implies a young solar system.


Meteoroids bombarding Saturn’s rings  would have destroyed them in less than 10,000 years. (W T Brown, In the Beginning, p 18). 


Solid Ammonia in Saturn’s rings, with a higher vapour pressure than ice, could not 
survive long without vaporising into space. Young rings imply a young Saturn.


Jupiter’s Moons. If they evolved, they should be physically alike, having the same 
amount of volcanoes and impact craters, but this is not so. Evolution claims that all 
planets were molten 5 billion years ago and volcanic activity stopped 4 billion years ago as they cooled. The moons Ganymede and Callisto have no volcanoes and many impact craters. Europa has no volcanoes and no impact craters. Io has 7 active volcanoes and no impact craters. Titan has volcanoes.





Atmospheric Helium comes from radioactive decay of Uranium and Thorium as they emit alpha particles (Helium nuclei), as well as alpha particles from the sun. Although hydrogen can escape earth’s atmosphere, Helium cannot. If earth was 4 billion years old, there would be 400,000 times more Helium in the atmosphere. Where is it? This date of 11,600 years is closer to the Biblical age of earth of 6,000 years. 






Meteorite Dust. 20 million meteors enter earth’s atmosphere every 24 hours. These 

add 25 tons weight to earth each day. Meteorite mass added to the earth in 4 billion years 


Meteorite Cratersonly occur on the earth’s surface, never being found in the rock  strata. If earth were 5 billion years old, we would find many meteorite craters in the sedimentary rock strata, but we don’t. Thus all meteorites which have struck the earth, have hit it in the last 5000 years. 




Earth’s Magnetic Field is decaying  exponentially, according to measurements over 170 years. This points to a half-life of 1,400 years. On this basis, Earth’s magnetic field 7,000 years ago would have been 32 times stronger than it is today. 20,000 years ago it would have dissolved the earth. 1 million years ago it would have had greater magnetism (10

215 Tesla) than all objects in the universe. It would appear that the earth could not be more than 6,000 to 7,000 years old. In 1979 NASA launched a satellite ‘Magsat’ to measure earth’s magnetic field. The ov
erall intensity of earth’s field was found to be declining at a rate of 26 nanoteslas per year, with a half-life of just 830 years. Extrapolation shows that the field strengt
h should reach zero in 1,200 years. ( Creation Research Quarterly, June 1981, p 40). “In the next two millenia, if the 
present rate of decay is sustained, the dipole moment of the (earth’s magnetic
) field should reach zero.” (Scientific American, December 1989). Since a past stronger magnetic field deflected more cosmic rays, this would have changed the rate of Carbon-14 production in the past, giving wrong Carbon-14 dates. 



Oil Well Pressure. When oil drillers first penetrate oil wells, oil gushes out because 
the oil and gas are under great pressure 
from surrounding rocks. Sedimentary rocks 
surrounding the oil wells are porous. Studies of these show that the oil would seep out before 100,000 years, but this has not happened. This great oil ressure argues strongly against millions of years age for oil wells, and implies an age for oil of around 10,000 years. Oil, coal and gas were formed during the Great Flood 4,400 years ago (in 2418BC). 


Lack of Anciently Destroyed Oil Reservoirs. If earth were very old, we would find empty oil reservoirs, where all the oil had leaked out, leaving only residues which would show in drilling cores. Such locations are never found, thus 
showing that all the world’s oil reserves were formed recently. 

Earth’s Molten Interior. Deep within the earth, the rocks are molten. The earth is 
slowly cooling from the surface inwards according to Stefan’s Law of Radiation. Lord Kelvin in 1889 calculated that the earth could not be billions of years old because of earth’s known rate of cooling, the existing temperature gradient in the earth, and the assumption that the earth c
ould not have been hotter than “white hot” initially.“Popular Lectures and Addresses”
(London: MacMillan, 1889, p.415).  If earth were billions of years old, it would have cooled far more than it now has, even 
if we assume a radioactively generated heating mechanism. (W T Brown, In the 
Beginning, p 17).





Topsoil accumulation. The average topsoil depth worldwide is 8 inches. Allowing for losses due to erosion, calculations show that it takes 300 to 1,000 years to accumulate one inch of topsoil. On this basis the earth would be about 6,000 to 8,000 years old. 31. Niagara Falls erosion is about 7 feet per year. From their first mapping in 1678 to 1842, the water wore away the top of the falls at a rate of 7 feet per year. Since the gorge is 7 miles long,  the age of the Falls = 7 miles x 5280 feet/mile = 5,280 years (approximately)  7 feet per year This is close to the time of Noah’s Flood 4,400 years ago, especially since the Falls would have eroded faster just after the Flood. For other large waterfalls, the cut distances and rates of erosion agree well with the Falls’ origin 4,400 years ago.




Coral Growth rates accurately measured under favourable growth conditions, show that no known coral formation is older than 3,500 years. (A A Roth, ‘Coral reef Growth’, Origins, Vol 6, No.2, 1979, p 88). 33. Sea ooze. As fish and ocean plants die, they fall to the bottom and form an ooze, or very soft mud on the ocean floor at a rate of one inch every 1,000-5,000 years. Measuring the depth of this ooze indicates a young earth. 


Ocean Concentrations of elements from rivers and springs. If we assume, as evolutionists must, that the oceans were 100% freshwater (0% mineral content) at the beginning of earth’s history, and knowing today’s amount of each element in the oceans, we may calculate how long each element took to reach today’s concentration level. Of the 51 main elements in sea water, 20 could have accumulated to today’s level in 1,000 years; 9 other elements in 10,000 years, and 8 others in 100,000 years. For example, Lead (2,000 years); Silicon (8,000 years); Vanadium (10,000 years); Cobalt and Nickel (18,000 years); Caesium (40,000 years); Bismuth (45,000 years); Mercury (42,000 years); Copper (50,000 years); Tin (100,000 years); Sodium (260 million years). Sodium gives the longest accumulation time, so by this method, earth could be no older than 260 million years. 




Tree Rings. The oldest living things are Bristlecone pines growing in Eastern Nevada, aged about 4,600 years old (sometimes producing 2 growth rings per year, so their age would be less), and Sequoia Gigantea in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, which are never older than about 4,000 years. These giant redwoods have no known enemies, and never have any dead trees among them. Unless man cuts them down, they never seem to die. 17 Bristlecone pines are dated about 4,000 years old. Since the Flood occurred about 2,418 BC, this implies that: a) all the pre-Flood Sequoias and Bristlecones were wiped out by the Flood, and b) there is no record of any living tree older than the Flood. Question: If evolution were true, why do we find none of these trees dated 15,000 years or older? Answer: Because evolution is false. These old trees were planted just after the Flood in 2418 BC. 39. Dinosaur DNA is so rare that the first sample was discovered in 1995. DNA decomposes soon after the specimen dies.  There is no known way for DNA to survive for 70 million years. 






Creationists state that all geological history can be explained by creation and a worldwide flood in the last 6000 years. Consider the following evidence for this: 


1. Pre-Cambrian void, then abundant, complex Cambrian fossils  Pre-Cambrian rocks are the pre-Flood basement.  Post-Cambrian rocks are the post-Flood fossil rich strata. Earliest Cambrian rocks (supposedly 500 million years old) contain highly complex, diversified animal fossils which suddenly appeared.  Question: How could this complex range of fauna evolve so suddenly and quickly?  This was as unexplainable to Darwin as it is to Evolutionists today.  Answer: Creationists easily explain this as the pre-Flood, post-Flood demarcation.  The “2 billion year” geological column used to support the evolution of life, is actually a record of the destruction of life by the worldwide flood. The geological column is a record of life’s departure, not of life’s coming. The geological column represents 2 or 3 months deposition not 2 billion years


2. Fossilisation. The existence of billions of plant and animal fossils preserved in the earth’s crust speaks of a flood catastrophe. The fossil record is not “incomplete” as evolutionists argue, (incomplete only because it does not contain the links they need to prove evolution), but is quantitatively huge, with a greater variety of species than are alive today. 



3. Polystrate Trees. Crossing several rock strata are trees preserved as well at their tops as at their bottoms. These fossil trees bridge an evolutionary imagined time span of millions of years, that would preclude their “in place” growth and fossilisation. 
Question: Was this tree standing unweathered for 
millions of years while strata was slowly deposited all around it? 

Answer: No! Tthe sediment and tree were moved into place at the same time. This fossil tree spans 20 feet of strata at 
Tennessee. Slow deposition of rock (uniformity) would not allow a tree to be fossilised before it would rot and fall over.





Had Darwin foreseen the coming scientific developments, he would have seen his theory to be in error. These include: 1. Gregor Mendel had not yet established or published his work on the laws of heredity and genetics, showing that characteristics passed from parent to offspring according to precise mathematical ratios. They do not derive by chance random processes in what Darwin called “blending inheritance.” 2. First law of Thermodynamics stating that energy can neither be created or destroyed, was only just being developed by Joule and Lord Kelvin. This showed that the universe could not have created itself. 3. Second law of Thermodynamics states that the universe is degenerating to more disorder. This shows that things do not of themselves become more organised with time, as evolution requires. 4. Louis Pasteur was just beginning his famous experiments showing that all life comes from life, never from non-life. 5. Mathematical laws of probability, showing that the chances of life occurring by chance are effectively zero, had not yet been applied to the theory of evolution.  The total probability of forming the proteins and DNA for the smallest self-replicating entity, given astronomically large quantities of reagents and time, is one change in 10167,626. This is 1 chance in 1 followed by 167,626 zeros. 6. Molecular biology, showing that the cell is so enormously complex (like the entire city of Sydney), that it could not possibly have formed by chance, had not yet commenced as a science. 7. The Fossil record had not yet been studied sufficiently for palaeontologists to be able to say, as they now do, that intermediate links between species do not exist.  Any one of these concepts or laws, if known to Darwin and the world in 1859 would have been enough to destroy Darwin’s evolution theory.  These 6 counter evidences show that evolution could not have taken place, while the fossil record shows that evolution did not take place.  Today, many scientists modify evolution in any way they can to get around the proofs against it.  


Question: Why is evolution still popular? 


Answer: Because of what the alternative involves. If the Biblical account of Creation is true, then man has sinned against God, and there will be a Day of Judgment for sinful man for rejecting Christ as Saviour and Creator. Acts 17:31 says:  “He (God) hath appointed a day, in which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man (Christ) whom he hath ordained; whereof he hath given assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him from the dead.” 


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